Supported through your complete job search

While others spend 100+ hours manually applying, our AI + VA team works 24/7 to land you interviews


Upload Resume

Our AI analyzes your experience and skills to target the right opportunities

256-bit encrypted

AI Matches Jobs

Our AI scans 10,000+ jobs daily across multiple platforms to find perfect matches

95% match accuracy

You Stay in Control

Review and approve target companies and roles before we start applying

Avg. 50-100 matches/day

We Apply for You

AI tailors your resume while VAs handle applications with human touch

100-200 apps/hour

Get Interviews

Start receiving interview requests within days, not weeks

93% interview rate

Ready to 12x Your Job Search?

Join 10,000+ professionals who skipped the application grind

Start Free Trial

Trusted by Job Seekers and Career Coaches

See what our community is saying about their experience


Thomas V.

Software Engineer

"I filled out my account pretty thoroughly and then just let it run. Was happy with the opportunities they went after."


Eric B.

Product Manager

"Started doing this to see what jobs I would be able to get and got a nice pay bump in the end. Great ROI!"


Danny S.

Marketing Specialist

"I used this to find remote jobs while I was still working at the office."


Sarah M.

Career Coach, 10+ years experience

"I recommend JobFunnel to my clients who are serious about their job search. The automation saves them valuable time while maintaining the quality of applications."


Robert K.

Tech Career Advisor

"The platform's ability to tailor resumes for each application is impressive. It's like having a dedicated job search assistant for each client."

Connecting you with opportunities from leading job boards

LinkedIn Indeed Monster Wellfound

Why Top Candidates Choose JobFunnel

Our AI-powered platform saves you 40+ hours per week while maximizing your chances of landing interviews

Mass Application System

Our AI + VA team submits hundreds of applications while you sleep

100-200 applications per hour
24/7 automated submissions

Universal Job Board Access

Access opportunities across all major job platforms in one place

100,000+ jobs indexed daily
Integration with 20+ job boards

Hiring Manager Network

Skip the application queue with direct hiring manager outreach

3x higher response rate
Network of 50,000+ managers

Smart Resume Optimization

Our AI analyzes each job posting and tailors your resume to match key requirements

Keyword optimization for each role
Highlights relevant experience

JobFunnel vs. Manual Job Search

Manual Search

  • 40+ hours per week
  • ~20 applications per day
  • 5-10% response rate
  • 2-3 months average search

With JobFunnel

  • 2-3 hours per week
  • 1000+ applications per week
  • 25-30% response rate
  • 2-3 weeks average search